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Bill Mahomes Receives Distinguished Alumnus Award from Texas A&M
DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS AWARDS The Distinguished Alumnus Award, the highest honor bestowed upon a former student of Texas A&M University, has been awarded since 1962 to only 318 of Texas A&M’s more than 555,000 former students. Presented jointly by the university and The Association of Former Students, this award recognizes Aggies who
Here’s what the SBA is doing to get ready for PPP Round 2
By Tristan Navera and Anna Butler – Dallas Business Journal Apr 24, 2020, 5:03pm EDT The U.S. Small Business Administration is readying to dole out billions more in loans for businesses nationwide. In a joint statement issued Friday afternoon, SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the agency would begin accepting new PPP loan applications
Texas banking officials: PPP loan money could run out this week or next
By Rebecca Ayers – Staff Writer, Dallas Business Journal Apr 15, 2020, 9:31am EDT The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program could run out of money by this week or beginning of next week, Texas banking and government officials say. The SBA has already approved Paycheck Protection Program applications that total
PPP reality for banks: Grueling hours, not much profit
By Patrick Rehkamp and Rebecca Ayers – Dallas Business Journal May 2, 2020, 10:27am EDT For banks participating in the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Payroll Protection Program, the hours are long and the technological investments to process loans are costly, but the payoff is paltry, bankers say. However, some community banks have had the
Lubbock businesses benefit from small biz loans
By Sarah Self-Walbrick Posted Apr 19, 2020 at 12:01 AM Updated Apr 20, 2020 at 11:32 AM Less than two weeks after it launched, the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program exhausted its $349 billion loan pool Thursday, but Lubbock-area businesses were able to benefit before the well ran dry. The
Regional banks already distributing ‘Paycheck Protection’ funds to small businesses
Author: Jason Whitely Published: 4:45 PM CDT April 10, 2020 Updated: 10:52 PM CDT April 10, 2020 A week after banks began taking applications for the Paycheck Protection Program, small businesses are starting to receive the stimulus money. “We have three restaurants in our group and between those we applied for
After Devastating Destruction and Theft, This Black-Owned Boutique Is Rising From the Ashes
Photo by Abby Blasingame BY ABBY BLASINGAME PUBLISHED IN LIVING JUNE 11, 2020 12:45 PM SMS After eight years as a fixture in the Dallas fashion community, Princess Pope is just getting restarted. During the early hours of May 30, peaceful protests mourning George Floyd’s death at the hands of police were
8 years to build, 15 minutes to tear down: Community helps clean up black-owned boutique in Dallas
Author: Tiffany Liou Published: 6:24 PM CDT June 10, 2020 Updated: 6:31 PM CDT June 10, 2020 On Wednesday, Princess Pope pulled up to Guns & Roses Boutique in Downtown Dallas to find dozens of people waiting outside her store. They were there to help her clean up. Guns &
Texas leads the country in most approved PPP loans
Photo Credit: Taylor Lumsden Author: Rebecca Ayers (Dallas Business Journal) Published: 5:05 PM CDT April 15, 2020 Updated: 5:05 PM CDT April 15, 2020 Texas leads the country with the most approvals for the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program as of April 13, according to SBA data obtained